"Phishing" is an attempt by fraudsters to steal banking account owner’s related information such as User ID, Password, ATM PIN, Date of Birth etc. through a fake e-mail which appears to originate from a well-known financial organisation.
Fraudsters’ phishing attempts are orchestrated to steal your information that might be sourced by a phone call, or a text message. In case they succeeded steeling your related information, it will facilitate conducting fraudulent transactions on the internet, thus creating financial loss and making you easy victim.
"Phishing" e-mails and websites have a familiar appearance to deceive consumers into thinking that the sender or website owner is an authorised person from the bank. The message in the e-mails carries an urgency to act or respond so that the customers do not pause to think.
We highly recommend that you carefully read the messages delivered to you and never respond to these kind of emails or phone calls. If you have received such an email or phone call or if you have accidentally responded to such emails/calls report it immediately through Contact Centre at 1300 888 534 or visit your branch to report the case without hesitation so that we can abort any probable breaches against your banking account and to protect your banking data.